
Getting there Contact Guests Complain

Update at the bottom!

Pickup spot for Oslo S will be the bus lane by track 19. (Near the airport express train tracks.)

What the hell?

The time has come to show you how we survive in the mountains. Or rather, how we go to the mountains to have fun!

We decided it would be a good idea to rent a big cabin and invite our friends for a weekend of booze, fun, blot, sauna, hot tub and cuddles. And maybe a snow ball fight. Or skiing, snowboarding, snow man making, who knows.

Where the hell?

We have rented this cabin, with beds for 30 people, in Hemsedal. Yep. It's in the mountains. In the middle of nowhere. And you WILL need warm clothes.

How much is it?

People riding with the bus: 1250 NOK.
People who travel with other means: 650 NOK.

Not your average demoparty price, but transport is included, and honestly - this will be a blast! Did you ever go to a demo party in a cabin in the snowy mountains? I didn't think so.

Included in this price is (for most people) the bus trip, food for the entire weekend and the cabin.

Anything else?

Yes. It is invite only. We have very limited place, and unfortunately we've had to make some hard decisions on who can come. This is really not easy, and I hope noone have any hard feelings if they're not on the initial list. For more information, look at the guestlist.

Oh, and you're in the mountains. No internet. Come, feel the isolation.


The highlight of 2013 is drawing nearer! There's an evil monkey in the closet!

Since people have started to request information, I will provide!

Bus schedule:

Friday 8. feb
Departure Oslo S16.30
Arrival Gardermoen17.10
Departure Gardermoen17.20
Arrival Dokka Skysstasjon19.10
Departure Dokka Skysstasjon19.20
Arrival Skogshornstua21.30
Sunday 10. feb
Departure Skogshornstua10.20
Arrival Dokka Skysstasjon12.30
Departure Dokka Skysstasjon12.40
Arrival Gardermoen14.30
Departure Gardermoen14.40
Arrival Oslo S15.20

For Oslo S we're likely talking somewhere on the south side, but I'll have a talk with the bus driver tomorrow to see if he knows of a suiting spot to meet up.

There are duvets and pillows, so there's no need to bring a sleeping bag. It will however be a very good idea to bring bed linen!

The weather forecast says SUN! And the temperatures are supposed to be around -11°C during daytime - which is pretty much brilliant! If you're not used to our snowy winters here's a good advice: Long underwear. If you plan on being outside and/or go skiing/snowboarding I recommend you use some proper gloves and a cap. But really, long underwear is key to staying warm. Besides, you know it's sexy!

We have a tight budget, and after having a huge shopping spree in Sweden on Sunday (hurray for cheap neighbours!) we decided that it would be nice if everyone could bring a bag of chips, peanuts, dried fish or other snacks. In addition to the normal Norwegian procedure of bringing your own alcohol. We might have to go shopping on Saturday, but don't count on it. The less we have to buy on Saturday the better, so bring beer!

Oh, and unfortunately there's no stamp. But there's an electrical hot and steamy bubble bath! (And I've been told they'll preheat it for us.)